Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Kiehl's White Party

Paul 狂 野 白 馬 王 子

黃 貫 中 ( Paul ) 將 於 下 月 二 十 日 舉 行 一 場 「 Kiehl's White Party 黃 貫 中 慈 善 音 樂 會 」 , 找 來 好 友 恭 碩 良 一 同 演 出 。 兩 位 band 友 日 前 一 起 拍 宣 傳 海 報 時 , 擺 脫 平 常 不 修 邊 幅 的 衣 , 改 穿 純 白 色 服 裝 上 場 , 二 人 大 呻 不 習 慣 。

斷 背 嘴 對 嘴
阿 Paul 說 : 「 我 呢 band 友 好 少 白 色 , 我 怕 大 家 以 為 我 轉 行 做 白 馬 王 子 喎 , 不 過 睇 落 我 白 色 都 幾 好 睇 。 」
阿 Paul 和 恭 碩 良 拍 攝 得 十 分 開 心 , 又 玩 又 跳 , 其 中 一 張 二 人 面 對 面 , 嘴 唇 靠 得 很 近 , 令 他 們 相 當 尷 尬 , 阿 Paul 說 : 「 我 仲 以 為 因 為 斷 背 熱 , 攝 影 師 食 住 個 勢 叫 我 咁 影 , 我 仲 問 佢 可 唔 可 以 key 落 去 算 , 點 知 原 來 攝 影 師 話 張 相 表 達 人 與 人 之 間 要 打 破 隔 膜 , 都 幾 有 意 思 。 」

appledaily april 5, 2006

thx hov for the news!


At 11:12 pm, April 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:52 pm, April 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can get 2 tix if you buy $650 woth of Kielh's whitening products..

At 10:01 pm, April 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alive "四大天王"都算好多阿jun, 正呀佢講d野, 4月尾上啦套野~ 琴日阿jun都有去手影呀~

At 10:26 pm, April 06, 2006, Blogger britple said...

i heard from a frd said jun helped them to make the music of the film, is that?

and just watched that tvb programme.. & vaguely saw a guy looks like jun.. and u said he was there in the 手影, then it must be him :)

At 2:56 am, April 07, 2006, Blogger Adelina said...

i want the DVD! why dont the four heavenly kings recruit jun to be one of them?? jun will totally qualify. :)
hess, u went to the premiere? so you got to see all the heavenly kings at once: JUN, DANIEL, MR. YIN, ANDREW AND CONROY!! lucky gal... are you sharing the pics on your site?

At 2:51 pm, April 07, 2006, Blogger britple said...

join alive?! then jun has to dance XDDDD

At 12:35 pm, April 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAYA..i saw him in TVB programme too...surprised..haha...

At 3:50 am, April 09, 2006, Blogger Adelina said...

i wanna see jun dance!! :) but i have a feeling that he wont...
what tvb program ar? "look east look west"?

At 6:50 pm, April 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


jun dance? must be fun..

At 12:08 am, April 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jov, i saw them 4, jun, paul...and fortunately thats it.. but i was hiding...XD

At 3:27 am, April 10, 2006, Blogger Adelina said...

haha hessica!! you were hiding from whom?? from the tvb camera, jun or the heavenly kings? or you were thinking that jun might ask why you were there?
i must watch "look east look west" but i dont know how... :<
is the movie and the music good?
i am jealous of U, hessica...

At 1:34 am, April 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

may I make it clear?
The coming schedule of Jun are :

20th of May - Kiehl's Charity Event

28th of Jun - moto 903


At 10:09 am, April 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was hiding from jun.. XD!

u can see jun + paul's name inside..

At 3:31 am, April 12, 2006, Blogger Adelina said...

hessica, why did you hide from jun?? he wouldn't interrogate why you abandoned the two spaghetti, i think. :P

At 4:46 pm, April 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't know why i was hiding...saw alot of people i knew that dat @ the premier ~_~" i even met a dino/paul fan who i havent seen for like over 4 years there...

At 11:40 am, April 13, 2006, Blogger Adelina said...

ops... so i guess a lot of us are fans of the four heavenly kings as well. :P no need to hide la, hessica!! you will be like me if you hide, being all shy and crazy. :P

At 1:21 am, April 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how come i am like that...err.. damn me!

At 11:29 am, April 24, 2006, Blogger ching_whc said...

Tickets won't be sold publicly?


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