audio from 5/7pacific coffee gigs
login: junkungmusic
pw: junkung
you can download them to your computer, but pls dont fwd straight to your own email account. thanks.
there are totally 10 files. dont complain about the quality. hope u all enjoy.
wow, thx for da music n also da nice pics below
btw, i went to da account but i only found 4 files (1-2, 8-9), maybe i did sumthing wrong?
yo brit, try ~~ "IT WORKS"!!hahaha (miracle foot repair!!"hahaaa
maiji, maybe u're not familar with gmail... the files are all there. maybe u can click "sent mail" in the left column, then click the mail in the right column again, u should see all the replies (files). if u still cant make it, tell me again.
hessica, will the link expired? i know yousendit's dl link will expire. anyway gmail is quite user friendly and i dont need to keep so many links.. thx for that anyway ;)
thx, i found it now!
haha~ britple, ur calling me that too like Hov~~ no, the link will not expire for at least one month, if u download it within a month, the quota goes to ONE MONTH again~
maybe everyone here should "rename? themselves and change all the J's to H's. :P right, Hessica?? britple is getting there!!
just wondering what jun would think when ppl call me "HunK." :P
my goodness! Jun being HUNK!! halo, i HUN KUNG!! haha! sounds funny!! Jules --> Hules! hey jov, been busy with work lately?
just want to say hi... XDDD i dont even know how to pronounce my name!!!
guys... we're getting too far... :P
we are HunKers!!
Thanx for sharing! Great clips~~~
yo hritple (i dunno how to pronounce ur name too! XD), hope u dun mind us "blowing water" in here~hehe~ it's cool to have a place to "blow" stuff about Hun!
hey Hov, remember to find me if ur coming to hk this weekend!!!!!!!
haha... it's funny that we're "water blowers." :P
hritple, mind if we continue to do so?
i dont mind at all!! feel free to blow water as much as u like :P
ok, after "HUNKERS", we have a new name called "water blowers"~~ haha~ Hov remember we made up "JUNKALOGY" in 2002/3? haha~~ we should continue~XD
Thanks Hritple!! wanna join our silly discussion? XD
btw, Hrit, i've linked this blog in soler's site..i found no logo for ur blog so i decided to use : hehe~ hope u dun mind :D
history of junkalogy:
jun kung -> junker -> hunker -> water blower. silly but creative "peepoo" we are!!
Hess, what else did we write/draw...? dead chan bo bo, haha! guys, we should totally make up a new yellow envelope this year...
see this is gonna be a 100-comment thread. :)
OMG, 100-comment thread sounds so great!!! we should keep this going! kakakka... hessica, i dont have any other logo to provide u too la~ haha, so u can use it la~
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haha! Hov, i really have forgetten what we drew/wrote on the envelope~ but i remember it was silly! XD, wonder where that thing is now~~
hrit, we'll blow in another topic/entry when u write one~hehe..
as far as i remember, i drew "prince jun." :P haha, hope my "prince jun" didn't end up in the trash... -___-
oh, and there's A-Z about jun. A for.... (i'd leave this blank...) and J is surely for JUN or jessica. hehe
guys, make up one la... it's fun to have everyone draw and stuff. :D
what is the envelop thing? did i miss anything special?? let's make it again~~~~ maybe this time we can have a book and pass it around for ppl to draw and write! that would be fun... :D
hey hrit, basically, the yellow envelope thing is something jessica and i did back in 2002 (or 03, jessica?) we drew random things on a "cow-skin" envelope. it was SOOOO much fun... no thinking, just drawing. :)
rite rite, let's make up another one for jun's birthday!!
wow, his b-day is coming soon! do u think we can finish it before ?? one & a half weeks ... aNY proposal? :P
i'm coming to hk tmr... so i guess i could start drawing and pass it to one of u guys. how that sounds?
hov, pls start it!!
GREAT... but how should i pass it to u guys...?? mail it?
i'm coming to hk in an hour and will go buy a BIG yellow envelope... haha, but what to put in it!!?? i guess the thing itself is fun enough. :P
glad to see this blog again. I went to this gig 6 years ago too! and just realised someone recorded the gig.. I wonder if I can have the audio files 6 years after the show???
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