free jazz gig
Jazz Summit features
Guitar - 包以正 Eugene Pao
Keyboard - Ted Lo
Bass - Sylvain Gagnon
Drum - 恭碩良 Jun Kung
日期: 8月21日 (星期日)
時間: 晚上7:30 - 9:30 (中場休息: 8:15 - 8:45)
地點: 旺角 朗豪坊 13樓 Ozone
費用: 全免
Co-organized by Langham Place & Innonation
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Wooh~ Really great! I miss Jun... and this time he plays DRUM~~~~
anyone going?? i'm leaving on the following day so i'm not sure if i could go...sob sob :(
thanks for the update, brit!
Hey Hov, I think I'm going!!!
hey hey, so rhoda is going... how about britple?? i must pass the envelope to one of u guys!!! both jessica n i have drawn on it already. :) c u guys there!!!!
Hov, will you give the envelope to Jess? I always meet her, hehe...
haha... i just took her home!! not hk home.. but macau hotel. :D probably not gonna see jessica again... unless i call her out on monday before i leave.
rhoda, if u're going on the 21st, i'll just give it to u in person, alrite?
Great! Long time no c, hov~ :)
i am not sure ar, i hope i can come.. hov, so u are coming on that day??
you know what, i can't come lor! i'll be in macau that day and jun'll be in hk =.="
hey jov, i'll probably still be in macau on monday...shoooooot! are u SURE ur gonna watch jun that day??heheee
happy birthday to jun
happy birthday to jun
happy birthday to jun jun
happy birthday to jun
that was me
hey u guys!! i'm pretty sure now that i'll go on sunday... gotta do some shopping in hk before i leave, so why dont come earlier and see jun!!! :D it's all good.
i'll see u there rhoda!!!
hessica!!! enjoy "swimming" with ur bro. :D
oh oh... it's jun's birthday today!!
brit, let's start a celebratory post!!
saw that from appledaily 18/Aug, and there has a photo of Jun while he was playing Sky Jump
恭 碩 良 : 好 激
而 今 日 二 十 八 歲 生 日 的 恭 碩 良 卻 明 顯 比 吳 嘉 龍 膽 大 , 他 在 空 中 中 段 期 間 還 鬼 馬 做 出 花 式 動 作 。
事 後 恭 碩 良 接 受 訪 問 時 說 : 「 我 都 係 第 一 次 玩 , 好 正 、 好 激 , 遲 我 重 會 去 新 西 蘭 玩 空 中 跳 傘 。 」
The link of the post is:
rhoda, yeah thanks, hov sent me for this too!
haha rhoda!! i found it before u did!!! :P on the pic, is jun trying to do a "superman" pose? hehe...
how about jazz gigs?
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